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1908 - Young Turk Revolution

1908 Young Turks_min.JPG

Title: 1908 - Young Turk Revolution

About: A coalition of various reform groups led a revolutionary movement against the authoritarian regime of Ottoman sultan Abdülhamid II, which culminated in the establishment of a constitutional government.


The Young Turks were a revolutionary party in the Ottoman Empire. The group traced its roots to young military officers and students who formed a secret organization, the Committee of Union and Progress, in 1889. These revolutionaries were greatly inspired by current political thoughts in Europe. They created an ideological movement with the ambition to replace the Sultan.


The revolt started with a movement among the army stationed in Macedonia, but the rebellion rapidly spread throughout the empire. Unable to rely on government troops, who refused to fight the rebels, Abdülhamid announced the restoration of the 1876 constitution and recalled parliament. 


The 'Young Turks' had succeeded in forming  a constitutional government, but their deep-seated ideological differences resurfaced and prevented them from taking effective control of that government until 1913.


While in power, the Young Turks carried out administrative reforms, especially of provincial administration, that led to more centralization. They were also the first Ottoman reformers to promote industrialization. In addition, the programs of the Young Turk regime effectuated greater secularization of the legal system and provided for the education of women and better state-operated primary schools.


Such positive developments in domestic affairs, however, were largely overshadowed by the disastrous consequences of the regime’s foreign policy decisions and complicity in the Armenian genocide.

Decade: 1900s

Year: 1908

Region: Middle East

Country: Turkey

Politics: Revolution

Type: Historical Event

Impact: 2

Artist: Mert Gencicar


Group: Genesis

Number: 08/100

Price: 0.2 ETH


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