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1938 - Anschluss


Title: 1938 - Anschluss 


About: The annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland, territories Hitler considered as part of Greater Germany, clearly indicated the extent of Nazi ambitions in Europe.

One of the Nazi’s ideologies was to incorporate ethnically German territories into the Reich. From the early beginning of his leadership in the Nazi Party, Hitler had publicly stated in his 1924 autobiography (Mein Kampf) that he would create a union between his birth country and Germany, by any means possible.


In early 1938, Austrian Nazis conspired for the second time in four years to seize the Austrian government by force and unite their nation with Nazi Germany. Employing a combination of political intrigue and effective propaganda,  Hitler outmanouevered Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg, who called a national vote to resolve the question of Anschluss, or “annexation,” once and for all. Before the plebiscite could take place, however, Schuschnigg gave in to pressure from Hitler and resigned. In his resignation address, he pleaded with Austrian forces not to resist a German “advance” into the country.


On March 12, Hitler accompanied German troops into Austria, where enthusiastic crowds met them with Nazi salutes,  flags, and flowers. Because of this, the the annexation was also called the Blumenkrieg (War of Flowers). Hitler quickly appointed a new Nazi government, and on March 13 the Anschluss was proclaimed. 

Shortly after, Hitler would set his sights on the Sudetenland, which was rich in the natural resources necessary for war, and conveniently populated by ethnic Germans – many of whom genuinely wanted to return to German rule.

Decade: 1930s

Year: 1938

Region: Europe

Country: Germany + Austria

Conflict: World War II

Type: Historical Event

Impact: 4

Artist: Bryan Willian 


Group: Genesis

Number: 38/100

Price: 0.4 ETH


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